
Board Book
5.625 x 5.625 in.
ISBN: 9780985409050
Author: Callie Grant
Illustrator: Missi Jay

Your Core

Everyone has an inner place made by God for welcoming and meeting with Him. Inspired by Ephesians 3:14-19, Your Core appeals to the youngest readers with simple text and colorful scenes to convey a difficult concept to grasp, even for many adults.

In Graham Blanchard’s Learn, Absorb & Praise™ collection, this is an Absorb book, which connects studies about the facts of God with a child’s inner life. Children assimilate on a personal level who God is and how they are made to be with him, trust him and love him—the life of a believer.

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“Rhyme and illustration work in tandem to engage readers while explaining something that isn’t concrete, yet has connections to things that are…” —Publishers Weekly, July 28, 2014

“This is a perfect, gentle way to add a science lesson into our day, and it’s been a great way to encourage me to teach my little ones about what exactly a soul is.” —Bluerose’s Heart Blog, Aug. 28, 2014

“The pictures are great and I love that this book tells kids that they have a purpose. I think often times they don’t hear that so this book hold a lot! I was curious how someone would approach this topic with children but this book isn’t complicated…” —I Hope You Dance Blog, Aug. 19, 2014

“From the simple message to the beautiful illustrations (by Missi Jay), “Your Core” is sure to be a hit with the youngest child.” —I Am Believing God’s Blog, Aug. 28, 2014